About the CFPI

Our mission

The Campaign for Public Infrastructure (CFPI) is a Social Enterprise committed to promoting the importance of robust civic infrastructure. Through research, advocacy, and public engagement, the CFPI works towards creating sustainable and inclusive communities across the UK.

Support us

The CFPI’s work is only made possible by the generous support of our community. To help our mission, donate here:

Our team

CFPI advocates include our staff team, and our brilliant network of volunteers.


Campaigners make our work possible. Perhaps you are an individual with particular health needs suffering from the decline of public toilet provision, or a business operator struggling to encourage footfall due to unappealing public space, join our activist network.


The CFPI values honesty and frank feedback, and work collaboratively and creatively to identify new ways to advocate for our network. The CFPI is an equal opportunities employer. We value diversity and building a team that represents a range of backgrounds and perspectives. The more inclusive we are, the better our work will be.