
The CFPI campaigns for evidence-based built initiatives that reinvigorate public spaces, working with parliamentarians, local authorities, and charities to deliver them.

In 2023, the CFPI will work for:


Our flagship campaign for 2023, the CFPI believes that Local Authorities and the UK Government have failed to properly recognise and value public toilet provision.


The UK has a rich history of public water fountains. They provide sustainable, accessible nourishment, reducing plastic waste and expenditure. To encourage public activity and participation, the CFPI believes that the UK must invest in water fountains. 

Throughout 2023, the CFPI will work with local authorities to evaluate water fountain provision.


The government has committed £2 billion of funding for active travel over 5 years, with a view for 50% of all journeys in towns and cities to be walked or cycled by 2030. The CFPI believes this to be a potentially transformative initiative. 

In 2023, the CFPI will work with local authorities and Active Travel England (ATE) to ensure that transport schemes are realised with full, informed community engagement.