BBC Breakfast – Tell your MP about the public toilet crisis


BBC Breakfast - Tell your MP about the public toilet crisis

This morning, the CFPI joined the sofa for BBC Breakfast to talk about the closure of public toilets across the country.

We’re asking viewers to write to their MP about public toilets, urging them to do more for our communities. 

Just copy and paste the message below into an email, and please use your local knowledge to add why you think public toilets are important to your area.

Dear (MP’s name),

We need our public toilets. I’m writing to you to share my support for a campaign to properly fund public toilets as seen on BBC Breakfast on Sunday 17th March.

The Campaign for Public Infrastructure (CFPI) has found that councils have halved their spending on public toilets in the last decade, whilst business rates show that over a quarter of toilets closed between 2010 and 2023. The British Toilet Association estimate that half of standalone toilets closed in the last decade. 

Three quarters of people feel there are not enough public toilets in their area, and one in five leaves home less often as a result. This is not good enough.

That’s why the CFPI are calling for the Government to fund councils to provide public toilets. We need councils to be accountable for our toilets, but without investment, they will continue to be poorly maintained, rarely cleaned, and closed down.

Do you agree that this is a problem we need to address for our area, and what will you do as my MP to support it?

Kind regards,

(Your name)