Deputy Mayor of London says they will install more toilets on the London Underground


Deputy Mayor of London says they will install more toilets on the London Underground

The Mayor of London’s deputy in charge of transport has said Transport for London (TfL) is planning to install more toilets on the London Underground network. 

Seb Dance, London’s Deputy Mayor for transport, told MyLondon on August 23:

“Yes, we’re looking at a study now on where that can be done. As is common with a lot of issues to do with accessibility on the network, of course, we’re dealing with the oldest network, in terms of the Underground, in the world.

“So, retrofitting, and finding space and putting plumbing in is always, obviously, an issue. So, the feasibility study will look at the network, will look at the areas where it’s easiest and hardest, and yes, of course, we’ll look at a range of measures, including paper maps, to enable people to locate facilities. We do, obviously, already have those online, but, yes, of course, we’ll look at ways of making it more accessible.”

Asked which lines he would look to prioritise for the new facilities, Mr Dance said there are “a number of lines where, for example in step free access, there are big gaps”. He added: “They tend to be the same issues, of course, lack of space and a legacy of the way in which stations were originally designed.

“Some of which, of course, were built way over one hundred years ago. But, yes we’ll look at where, if you like, the deserts are, where the gaps are, and try and fill them as much as we can. With the funds that we have, which, of course, is an issue.”


The CFPI notes that the feasibility study referenced by Mr Dance was announced in February 2023, and was expected to publish terms of reference in May, but as of August 23rd these have not been shared.

The study was commissioned following the London Assembly Labour Group rejecting a budget amendment supported by the Green, Conservative, and Liberal Democrat groups in January to divert £20m from Transport for London (TfL) reserves into building 70 new free toilets across stations.

The CFPI respects that TFL is not in a position of significant financial comfort. However, with London Underground passenger numbers between 60 to 80% of pre-pandemic levels, this represented an opportunity to invest in promoting the network to those who might otherwise be dissuaded.

Following the vote, the CFPI opened dialogues with stakeholders within the London Assembly, Mayor of London’s Office, and Transport for London, to identify why the amendment was rejected and how we might work together to deliver a more accessible transport network. This work continues.

The CFPI welcomes Mr Dance’s statement to MyLondon. But Londoners do not need more delays. We urge the Mayor’s office to expedite the feasibility process and set aside funding for toilets across the network, allowing TfL to respond to the study quickly and thoroughly.